I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3

Markus Vad Flaaten @MarcyVF



Animation stuff! $$$

London, UK

Joined on 10/1/06

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MarcyVF's News

Posted by MarcyVF - May 8th, 2008

EDIT: LOOK, the only previews you've seen is my debut on the new Johny Magic (CRAPPY) and an animation withOUT my moves and stuff because FreeRunRobert, not me, made the board and then I had to follow his animation style. I'll make a new preview of MY Johny style.

Here's a new suggestion. No hands OR shoes, just pants. Still the good old exaggerated Johny style.

Opinions please?


Guess what!?

Posted by MarcyVF - April 29th, 2008

First, me and my twin brother were in the local newspaper lately! (See the picture below). It was an interview with us about Flash, Art and UKM. We also mentioned Newgrounds in the article.

UKM is a culture arrangement for the youth, where you can sing, dance, perform and show your art or movies, which we did. We sent in 5 of our movies! It was showed in the local arrangement, and the jury thought it was so good that the movies were on to the county arrangement. And guess what, all of the five movies got picked out as the best movies, and are going to be part of the land arrangement in Trondheim, the grand final of Norway! We were so surprised. So wish us the best of luck, and we may have a chance to win the whole thing! :)

And, I'm participating in the Pico Day Skate Collab brought to you by the Skate Flash Club, it will come out on wednesday, so be ready for some action! :D

It was originally for our confirmation, but we submitting it anyway: The Bible!
Yes, it's a movie of the bible. It's not meant to be a parody or something, but it's humorous. Watch it! :D
Check it out: THE BIBLE

Under is a picture of the interview... The headline reads "Twins with talent"


In the News!

Posted by MarcyVF - March 18th, 2008

EDIT: HI AGAIN! We have ALREADY submitted the fourth TwinTrash movie: TWINTRASH: 004 Educated Fish

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Hi, the third TwinTrash movie is submitted: TWINTRASH: 003 Ten Ways Pack 01

This time, we introduce you to our first guest animator: GOAT-MAN!

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Just want to remind you all that both TOMMYVF and I, MARCYVF. made this movie. We just have to switch the "submitter" each time so that it will be "fair".

We switched the movie name from "TwinTrash" to just "TT". Why? Because we needed more writing space.

Thanks to all my fans and of course Goat-Man! I'll respond to all comments :)


TwinTrash: 003

Posted by MarcyVF - March 9th, 2008

EDIT: I've fixed the problems, if it still doesn't work, it's because I have a Mac and you have a PC. What shall I do??

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First of all,
Here's a PREVIEW of my GAME!
Up Key - Jump
Down Key - Roll
Space - Shoot

I've finally made a save/load feature with a "reset data" button too! Please test it out, just look at your score, then go out of the page and then into it again. The score will still be the same! And if you press the "reset data" button, well, yeah, then you reset the data.

I hope it doesn't lag.
I think there's something wrong with the game, when I tried it at my friend's computer, he jumped and rolled even though I didn't press anything.

Hope you like it, tell me what you think, please!

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(This was originally written for a Newgrounder in trouble, Duhidiot :)
Well, here are some helpful tutorials I used in my game:
Platform Tutorial - this one teaches you:
-How to make a V-Cam /scrolling background
-How to make a platform game without enemies, but with coins and score (it's knd of stupid, becasue everything you make have to be part of the V-Cam's controlling, so you can't have any score board.)

Save/Load Tutorial - this one teaches you:
-Hot make a save/load feature for games or other things. It's kind of messy, and I didn't understand much of it, BUT if you combine it with this tutorial, Save/Load tutorial (2?), you understand much more of the save/load feature.

And the other stuff, you kind of have to figure out yourself.

Hope this helped!

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And for those who are really cool and mostly for those who are norwegian, here are some videos on YouTube me and some guys in my class made. Well, I made it, but they played it.

They call themselves: The BOYZ...


(It's not serious, everything is just fun.)


Who want to TEST MY GAME?

Posted by MarcyVF - February 29th, 2008

Thanks for helping me, guys, because of you, I'm now sitting here making a game :] (previews to come!) I found a good tutorial and I tested it and it worked!

You don't need to post more tutorials and stuff.

These guys helped me out:

Thansk a lot!



Posted by MarcyVF - February 10th, 2008

Hey, I really needed an update, so here it is...

Skater V2 Episode: 04
I'm working on episode 04, but it's going slow, I've gotto' complete the most important stuff first. Well, here's a preview:

TwinTrash: 003 TenPack01
Our next TwinTrash project is called TenPack. It involves tranpolines and toasters and dying people. It's going ot be totally awesome! Here's a preview:
TwinTrash: 003 TenPack01 PREVIEW

School Projects:
I'm very busy with a lot of stuff, and one of those "stuffs" is a school project. It's a presentation, a movie abut Jesus. It's going to be called "Jesus' Life in 3 (2-10) Minutes" or something. My brother is making something for the same thing too, it's going to be a movie... The entire bible. Well, wait and see. Oh, NO PREVEIWS FOR YOU!!! (Wait... see the picture!)

That's all.

Please comment, I'll answer to all comments.


Skater V2, TwinTrash: 003 and school projects

Posted by MarcyVF - January 14th, 2008

The One Layer Collab is submitted!

Go watch it, people!
Oh, and please leave a comment, I'll answer to ALL!

Also visit the forum, please.


Posted by MarcyVF - January 6th, 2008

Hey everyone!

My brother, Tommy, and I are making a new series-ish group of movies. We've submitted our first movie, TwinTrash 001: Rabbits. Check it out!

Feel free to leave a comment, I'll answer to everything!


TWINTRASH and Rabbits

Posted by MarcyVF - December 20th, 2007

Hey, everyone!

I've submitted a new submission MarcyVF's New Grounds!
It's a tribute to Allen Awesome and his submission: My New Grounds. I simply love that movie. I wish I was so creative. I'm creative, but not that creative...

EDIT: I've got a place on the top 50's! Amazing! It'll probably don't last for so long, but hey, that's AWESOME!

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The SKATER V2 Christmas movie is submitted too! It is in the Christmas collection and can be found on the front page too!

I'll start thinking on Episode 04, but hey, it's Christmas! Holiday, everyone! Wohoo!!!

Merry Christmas, Newgrounds!

(I'll answer to all comments)


My New Grounds and SKATER V2!

Posted by MarcyVF - November 25th, 2007

Hey everybody!
I'm making a new collab: The ONE LAYER Collab!

Click here to get MORE INFORMATION and JOIN!


The ONE LAYER Collab!