EDIT: I've fixed the problems, if it still doesn't work, it's because I have a Mac and you have a PC. What shall I do??
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First of all,
Here's a PREVIEW of my GAME!
Up Key - Jump
Down Key - Roll
Space - Shoot
I've finally made a save/load feature with a "reset data" button too! Please test it out, just look at your score, then go out of the page and then into it again. The score will still be the same! And if you press the "reset data" button, well, yeah, then you reset the data.
I hope it doesn't lag.
I think there's something wrong with the game, when I tried it at my friend's computer, he jumped and rolled even though I didn't press anything.
Hope you like it, tell me what you think, please!
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(This was originally written for a Newgrounder in trouble, Duhidiot :)
Well, here are some helpful tutorials I used in my game:
Platform Tutorial - this one teaches you:
-How to make a V-Cam /scrolling background
-How to make a platform game without enemies, but with coins and score (it's knd of stupid, becasue everything you make have to be part of the V-Cam's controlling, so you can't have any score board.)
Save/Load Tutorial - this one teaches you:
-Hot make a save/load feature for games or other things. It's kind of messy, and I didn't understand much of it, BUT if you combine it with this tutorial, Save/Load tutorial (2?), you understand much more of the save/load feature.
And the other stuff, you kind of have to figure out yourself.
Hope this helped!
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And for those who are really cool and mostly for those who are norwegian, here are some videos on YouTube me and some guys in my class made. Well, I made it, but they played it.
They call themselves: The BOYZ...
(It's not serious, everything is just fun.)