You know if you're gonna do the pairs posting thing, you get more overall notice if you post on separate days :P
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06
You know if you're gonna do the pairs posting thing, you get more overall notice if you post on separate days :P
Lol the funny thing is I didn't even know he had posted. We realize what you're saying is true but twins seemingly happen to do stuff at the same time no matter what :(
Rated it, Left a review. So yeah
I liked the animation and I like jazz.
Good moofie :)
:D Yay he likes jazz
lol im Alec
:O alt?
Dude, seriously impressive. Was all of it done in flash?
Yes, all of it :) Thank yo.
hey FFFFF yo
I'd watch it, but I'm on vacation. I'm typing on my iPod. I'll be back tomorrow to watch it though.
Cool, enjoy vacation (and iPod) :P
Your art and animation talent is priceless. ;D
:O thank you man!
I muted the sound...
Wondering what it gunna watch it, K?
nice video, i enjoyed it)
and yeah if you're interested you can also check my music :)
Thanks, I'll give it a listen.