I remember bizerk from years ago.
He's a CUTE dude.
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06
I remember bizerk from years ago.
He's a CUTE dude.
Cool, was he ever popular or something? Do you know any other places where I can see his cute flash?
I shall vote for you!
And you makin' this game all by yourself?
Yeah, all by myself, I've wanted to do this for a long time. Music, art, programing, all by me MWAHAHA!!!
i know bizerk
he's a cool dude
yeah you told me about him. I actually PMd him and expressed my love for his FEX.
you know him? like e-buddy know?
and thanks :)
that shall be the cover of your future album wich comes out 2015 8)
accept orange?
I remember him from like 2004 stickslaughter.com days. Other then that he used to send me stuff on AIM, that's about it.
Haha cool. He's a stick guy but he's got an amazing style really.
Sorry for bugging you but what do you mean he sent you stuff on AIM? Messages or flashes? :P Sorry.
yesh :P
Just some stuff he made, it was a while though, I rarely log on AIM.
Yeah ok. I hope he's still doodling som cool stuff in flash.
that see awesome :D
Those fishys keep reminding me of Goldfish crackers.
...and now I'm hungry.
sorry :(
why stop a three?
well I actually wrote 5.
Story Mode? Multiplayer? Free Play? Hm, that sounds curious. I'll certainly play it when it is released.
My fish game will only have a Story Mode, and it will be freakin' gigantic.
Haha nice! Yeah, I'll try to make as many levels as possible too. But my gameplay isn't really very incredible, but I have many upgrades and I'll try to pimp the game as much as I can.
Maybe we could show each other some betas from our games?
Sounds great. Fish <3
Se godt fram til Fisk(e???)-spillet ditt. Likte Accept Orange, men litt scarry også, ooohhhaa!
Lykkens glede over Markus Vad Flashen!! Digger animasjonene, alt!!!!yahhh!!!
:O takk!
Det er meg på bildet i accept orange, bare tegne over meg selv og litt sånn :)
When will it be released? :b
I want to polish this game as much as I can but i'll try to finish it before Christmas or something. :bbbbbbbb
CrYpTiC MeSsAgEs FtW!
Jeg skal stalker deg nå
Uansett at jeg er i en hotel i fucking POLEN nå.
Lol, kankje du sover på samme rom som jeg gjorde da klassen vår var der.
Yay I changed username.
Yay a comment.
Haha you have a girls name!
Cool! Great! Awesome! ^_^
Oh Simon <3