you make comics!? i'm a big fan of comics!! could you maybe leave one?
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06
you make comics!? i'm a big fan of comics!! could you maybe leave one?
Yes, a LITTE, I make more drawings and stuff. Cool, me too. They're in Norwegian, but I could show them to you. They're drawn in a pretty weird style, but I love it.
Good LUCK!!!
Thanks, buddy, I need that!
Hi, dude!!!!!
*Switch to norsk*
Sååååå.. ehh... Hvor er du? Vi kommer på onsdag :D
yOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APampamapampaampasmpspsmsmsaSPAM!!!
you like men!!!!!!
I do? Thanks for the information.
I think I rather like females more. Actually. I suppose. Quite.
hey marcy im one of your fans u are awsome i love skater v2!i would love someone like u to comment my musics plz.
Oh by the way plz can u give me some tips to make good fbf?
Oh hi! A fan, yay! :3
You're asking for pretty much, but well... I'll try to check out some of your music :)
Fbf tips? Hehee... Um... I kind of learned it my self, but when I animate skaters, I use a couple of handy tricks. Pm me or something.
I'm jealus becuz u rule!:D:D:D:D
(i'm friend of Helikopteret):D:D:D:D
Oh, please don't be jealous! [:) It's not my fault. ("fault" lol.)
Yeah, Helikopteret (or Stian, his real name) is AWESOME, if you'd known him in real, you'd see that he's a good friend :)
Wow I think it's the first time sistem commentes on someone's page.
Watch out he's a master at fake suck up.
Oh, you think so? Cooool....
Lol, what do you mean by "fake suck up"? (Stupid question, right?)
Hey my good sir i don't commenting you at a long time...
I ther!!!!!!!!!! =D
Goooood mor-nin, my good sir, you may rather comment quate a few comments at my slightly amusing user page. DoYouWant'aCupA-T?
Incoming comment.
Are you going to reply to this?
Nvm he's a good friend in real life. ={)
What? Stian (Helikopteret) or Sistem69?
Just one thing.The link to the preview doesnt work.
Huh? They both work on mine...
I want to see the preview(quero ver)
Which one of them? (¡Vas a ver!)
oh by the way yeahmix and i are best friends in real life he was just kidding
Ok, cool! You go to the same school and class?
Hey, yo dude, what's happening?