I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3

Markus Vad Flaaten @MarcyVF



Animation stuff! $$$

London, UK

Joined on 10/1/06

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Posted by MarcyVF - September 15th, 2007

SKATER V2 Episode: 01 is now submitted...

SKATER V2 Episode: 02 is now submitted...

SKATER V2 Episode: 03 is now submitted...

SKATER V2 Halloween 2007 is now submitted...
You should go watch it - it's the longest movie I've ever made!
10 minutes!

"But... But How can he skate in the winter!?"
-Hehe, well my good sir... Wait n' see!
"Oh! Cooool..."

because someone has been asking...

Johny Magic:
::Green board and Shirt::
Happy and lonely. Incredibly good at skating.

The Punks:
::Red board and Red Bandana::
The biggest gang. Are getting easily angerd. Want to kill Johny Magic because of the boomblazter and other. Are good at skateboarding.

Bad Boys:
::Red board with Grey Bandana::
Wanna' kill Johny Magic too! They hate him because he's so good at skating. They're jealous.

Zack, Jack and Balck:
::Red, yellow and blue shirts::
Members of the Bad Boys gang but are still kind of regardless. They wanna' kill Johny Magic in their own way!

The Ninjas:
::White clothes with black bandana::
Angry and good fighters. Wants to kill EVERYONE!

NOTE: The Bad Boys hasn't been in V2 yet. There will be more gangs, but I won't tell before they come in the episodes.

And, please...
Go watch my first SKATER series 'cuz then you will understand more of my second series.

I'm getting LOADS of PMs from people that want my song and my sound effects. And many fan-messages too!
Here are the people who said they were fans:
Helang7 The maker of "Yellow Box Madness!"
xxDarkHeart555xx The one who've been asking :P
MagicDragon150 Dude, I love his header...
Lucovic Check out his music!
TinyTim1991 Check his movie: "Short Film of an Old Man!"
Valentinas5335 Read his story!
YEAHmix PM him!
Goat-Man *Thumbs up!*
These are my friends in real. They're in my class on school:
Ulrik Iver Neumann! (To N'er!)
Stian Mastberg! Preloader idea!
So, hope I didn't forget anyone...




Awesome man.

Thanks, girl :P :D

Very impressive work, Marcy

I wish I could animate flash. I have the program and everything, I just have no animating talent I guess

It was very funny, and I hope I get to see more of your work soon enough

PS - In Macromedia Flash Pro 8, how do you make it so that you can see the space that you have to work with? When I draw a background, I can never tell exactly where the screen ends


:/ Hmmm, you should practice.
I started when I was 6 :D

Oh yeah, I'm making EP 2 right now.

I didn't really understand the question so well XD

1: If you mean how to get back to normal after zooming?
- Press: Command/Control > 2. That's how you do it on a Mac.

2: If you want to see... Like the space, the spects? The square?
- It's separated whit WHITE = The space that you work in, and LIGHT GRAY = The space/spects that will be like the borders (Won't be seen).

3: Maybe you've done something wrong?
- If you had for example (not deliberately) come into the "options" section, and taken away the borders or something? Well, justt check it there... Ehh... Hope that made sense...

Thanks for commenting, See'ya!

awosem job im nine been animating since 8 hope when i get older im as good as u maybe ill make a comedy movie mine are normally sticks fighting :P cant wait till the next one

Wow! Thanks!
I started with sticks too so dont worry :P
Hope you submit somethign soon :)

great job, it lacks dinosaurs though.

Lol, thanks.

Good luck with #2!

It may come out tomorrow ;)

You have a mac? What browser are you using?

... Ahem, I have a Mac, yes.
I use Safari, but FireFox when I'm submiting pictures, movies or stuff like that.
It doesn't work with safari >:(
But I wrote this in Safari.

You can't upload movies in safari?! I knew you couldn't upload pics, or else i would have already.

I know. I've sent TONS of PMs to Tom, but I got FireFox - it's free.
Get it.

I loved it :3

You rule <3

Wow, thanks!
Episode 02 coming out TODAY!

Next comment from me lolz. I WISH there was an EDIT button...

I like that picture you made there HAHA PWNED.

It seems so smooth that it barely looks like its animated.

Did you use tweening?

If not, you are a complete GOD.

i-Pod wins FATALITY. The punk sucks.

w00t I hope your movie comes out soon, I wanna take first comment!

Haha, Thanks!
Episode 02 comin' out TODAY!
i just drew it and put on some glow.

I just watched Episode 2

There wasn't enough skating, I thought. It was still amazing, though

How about a new gang - The Banditos!

They could all have sombraros... and ponchos


I've not a professional, you know. I have a right to suggest sucky ideas :P

I have many gangs, you know, but wait and see, maybe in ep 7 or whatever :)
I will ad a LOT more skating!! :)
Thanks for the suggest, it wasnt "sucky" XD
I apriciate that you took your time :)

Episode 2, another masterpiece. Not much of skating as a lot of people are saying, but doesn't bother me. Oh and check out my profile for a drawing a drew if you like to check it out!

I will!
Thanks :)

Next comment for Ep 2.

That was AWESOME. Where the hell did you get the ninja music?

I thought the director smileys were hillarious. :| :O >:P

And I KNOW Johnny will get his iPod. I mean, COME ON! hes the main character!

I am one of your biggest fans. You are what makes my life possible. And I bow down to you.


From sounddogs.com :) But the fight music I made in Reason and GarageBand. (APPLE ^^)

Haha! Ye' I know, my brother made me make them better 3 times! >:(

Hmmm... But Zack, Jack and Black arrives :o

LOL! Please! Stop it, you're embarrasing me :P
I'm glad you like me though :)
Episode 03 coming out in next week I think (and hope)

awesome!!!u rock!!!!

Thanks! I've been to your userpage! :D

Johnny magic kicks some major ass. Love the style of those movies, I think my favorite guy so far is the ninja with the sunglasses. Don't try to fight a manically grinning ninja with sunglasses. They just scream "OWNAGE".
Love the new Skater.

Haha! Thanks, I love my fans X3!!
I'll be making a SKV2 halloween special by the way, and Episode 03 is under construction.
Thanks a lot, pal!


I'm looking forward to the upcoming episodes, particlarly the Haloween one!

I've started a flash of my own for Halloween, and the art is partially inspired by Johnny Magic. They're not REALLY stick people, but they have round heads like yours ;)

So, it'll be my first submission. Let's hope it's decent :)

Yeah! Cool, I like when people like my style XD

Episode 03 is done soon, so that I can make the halloween thing and "take a pause" untill halloween.

I hope it's getting good!
Pleeeease send me previews of the movie! On putfile or something! I wanna' see :P



Can't wait to be the first voice actor in the series! w00t! :)

Thanks, I can't wait to submit Episode 3!


I hope its not a problem posting so many times. I WANT A DAMN EDIT BUTTON!

But since this is one of my faves, I like drawing art like parachutefish is doing. ON pencil. I like drawing comics and that. But im not good with em.

I can't wait for Ep. 3. BTW I was the one who helped with the skater collection. Hope im not embarrasing you.

Oh, no no no no! Just post - I'll respond! :3

Thanks. Cool, I started drawing when I was 2 years. And me and my twin brother has always liked to draw cartoons, stories, drawings, birthday cards, stuff like that. SO when I discovered flash (7 Years old) I just made and made and made! But of cource, they sucked. But maybe I'll submit "My Old Suff" Like a HUGE collection of all my old stuff. I should show you some of my work. I think I'm good, CHECK OUT MY TWIN HE'S ALWAYS SUPPORTING ME AND GIVING ME IDEAS! :) I <3 you Tommy Bro'! X3

Cool, it may come out tomorrow or today... Nobody knows.... :0
Wow, glad you helped with skate collection! I was so suprised! :D But I hope to get an own Series Collection though... Just hoping! X3
Embarrasing me? Why should you do that? Lol you're funny. Hope to see some drawings from you soon. OR flash of cource. Anyway, bye and good luck!


G'day Marcy, how's it goin?

Quite good, I'm making a halloween special with another guy. It'll me GOOD! :)


I knew you'd get front page'd. w00t!



Haha, good luck with that Halloween special, CAN'T WAIT =0

Neaither can I =0!!!


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