Your style
is absolutely wonderful. You MUST do some mind-blowing graphics for a game or something one day, or a comic. Or a TV series.
Your style
is absolutely wonderful. You MUST do some mind-blowing graphics for a game or something one day, or a comic. Or a TV series.
Love the style. There are some coloring issues in there, but I really do like the look of it!!!
Hello !
Thanks man, and cool that your drawing is inside calendar :)
colors <3
one of your more colorful works, I like colors. so I like this >:)
love the hands and anatomy and the ealisticness vs cartooniness!
also lol.
the wonderful world of collooour
what's with the flag?
I love pixel art like this B)
And heia Norge!
Well, since I'll probably have this giant poster in my room, It's not like i'm gonna let this chance slip, right?
Alt for Norge!
haha this is awesome!
I love remakes of cartoonish stuff made so that it looks human/realistic/natural or whatever. great colors and I love the whole thing. Look at that delicious hand!!!
it looks like its made of marzipan...blech.
simply your best piece ever. just read sucho's review. this is fantastic!
>:') Thank yaaaahhhh! Thanks a bunch!
lovely ape dude
and sexy eyebrows for you <3
also what a weird situation and very well drawn.
still think it's too much STUFF in the LEFT side of the picture. with the volcano and the second ape and the bananas and stuff.
cool stuff!
Yeah, I thought so too. Maybe I'll remove those stuff...
Lol nice idea. I think the picture could have been better, its a little blurry and stuff. But overall cool.
WO(W! Marcyvf reveiwed my art! I am a huge fan! I will keep your reveiw at heart!
This is not art...
...this is just a timeline. I think you should post it on your userpage or you could make Tom post it on the front page. But submitting this as a piece of art is wrong in my opinion. What does Tom say? :O
I've always admired your style, I just think this timeline is submitted/posted the wrong place.
i drew this stuff. how is it not art?
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06