Wow, you've improved!
You've really improved!
But it's the length, it ends too early, but hey! Thanks for the credit :D
When is YBM3 coming?
(Make it long!)
Wow, you've improved!
You've really improved!
But it's the length, it ends too early, but hey! Thanks for the credit :D
When is YBM3 coming?
(Make it long!)
Thanks! and.. sorry it'z too short because... i just made it for one day :O
it's true, and, thanks for reviewing buddy ol' pal!
Extremely well done!
The best style I've ever seen!
And the animation was great.
With Reason? Garage Band?
I heard that some were from your mouth.
Favourited <3
i'm glad you liked sounds.
I used Fruityloops, sounds mixing work and yes, a good mic for some other FXs
Make more that friggin' rocked, dude!!!
Lol It must have taken ages to draw all that!
Man, I like it soooo much!
make more 'cus I love it.
:D :P X3 >:O :3 :] :%u0131
haha cheers marcy, ill make more some time :D
Finally! Music... Mmmmmhhhh... SOUND... So. Sweeet!!
Wooo! That rocked. Still short, but whatever.
QUESTION: Can you PLEEEAASEE gimme' that song? :] I want it to Skater V2 :)
Please send it on mail to me or putfile or something.
My mail: ""
Thanks a lot, pal!
Hi! Marcy! glad you liked it! i would send it to you, but if you can tell me how too? /:D
>>that song's from the Matrix theme song :D
I like it :D
But... You.... Need........ Sooouuund!!! X3
Pm me if you need - I HAVE MUSIC TOO! :D
(The sound = -3 pts /:3)
lol, ok!
i 4got to review ppls comments in this movie for a very long time already X3
thanks for reviewing buddy!
• Very funny and very cool idea! •
Hehe, I like this very much!
You show that you can handle many types of "Flashing."
I like the funny past as: "Stickmen island" and the end.
The voices are kinda' weird, but its cool.
Very cool.
I love this, I laughet so hard at the Stickmen island!
• • • • • • • • • •
I love this thing, right in my favuorites!
• M •
glad you liked it and i did sort of copy another cartoon on the last bit :D but the rest was original. thanks for the review
• Good, very good! •
Random and sweet.
You did it.
Special, weird, random characters.
Random and strange kinda' silly storyline or plot.
Cool end.
Good voice act.
I really like it!
• • • • • • • • • •
Good work, and this has deserves its frontpage!
• M •
(As you probably can see, I've now reviewes all you're movies.
Take a look and please respond.)
thanks for the great review! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and liked the humour, not many people get it lol. and thankyou SOOOOO much for reviewing all of my cartoons! It shows you can be bothered to take the time to watch them all, and its very helpful! Thanks again!
• Very nice, Haha! •
Funny idea.
Original and hillarious.
The mouths maybe a little simple...
And the figures or characters too, but its nothing.
"Simple sign or a little kiss" Haha!
Good work.
Keep it up with music videos.
• • • • • • • • • •
Nice work and original idea.
• M •
thankyou, i should have improved graphics i suppose. It was kind of rushed but at least you found it funny :D
• Love it •
This rocks!
How did you come up with such an idea?
So very funny.
And pointless.
The snails are so small and silly, Haha!
And of cource the great end.
• • • • • • • • • •
Very funny and good storyline.
• M •
haha, thanks a lot! and i have no idea where the ideas come from, i just decide i'm doing a flash movie and then make it up as i go along! (i have a weird mind) lol
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06