Lol nice idea. I think the picture could have been better, its a little blurry and stuff. But overall cool.
Lol nice idea. I think the picture could have been better, its a little blurry and stuff. But overall cool.
WO(W! Marcyvf reveiwed my art! I am a huge fan! I will keep your reveiw at heart!
Haha nice
Love his nose and his giant head compared to the hat lol.
Kind of
This kind of reminds me of that guy in District 9, but still that arm sucks lol.
Nice details though and well made physics.
This is not art...
...this is just a timeline. I think you should post it on your userpage or you could make Tom post it on the front page. But submitting this as a piece of art is wrong in my opinion. What does Tom say? :O
I've always admired your style, I just think this timeline is submitted/posted the wrong place.
i drew this stuff. how is it not art?
Haha yeah!
I actually love this sort of thing. It's just lots of styles at one place booming out in your face. Really cool :)
Not bad, not bad, not bad, not bad, not bad, notdab , tnoadt , btoad , bdaot , adboadt.
Make more like this, the colors are cool and yeah. Nice.
Gross but pretty goo. Ash looks pretty weird, his short legs and arms and his hair is pretty weird.
Why is Pica poopin on him?
There's so much movement in this picture. Great great great!
I love the pixel distortedish effects as well. Very cool.
All of your characters seems to be angry :O
Hawly Crap!
That's so slick, you're so good at faces and guns and hands! I love it, because it's both cartoonish and realistic in a sorta bouncy but artsy way.
Is this all made in Photoshop?
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06