When the credits are longer than the movie, It sucks.... :D
When the credits are longer than the movie, It sucks.... :D
All my movies have credits longer than the movies.
It's tradition.
That's flash, man!
Incredible, man!
Very funny to.
I just love your style off annimating, you should make more!
This goes right to my favuorites!
Keep it upp, dude!
Dude, freakin' cool!
That was awesome!!! How do u do it!?
I reakky hope that u r planning 2 make more cuz it was really cool!
Plz answer...
Keep it upp man!
Wierd but cool
When SaladFingers hang upp that guy, I just sat waiting for hes head to fall off!
Cool but a little wierd! Wierd makes it cool. :D
That's nice
I like the way you are animating!
The tricks is sweet to watch. Nice music!
Keep upp the good work! :D
Good work, I think it was very good...
Positive: I liked the guns and stuff! Plz make more guns!
The way you animate is sweet. The moves is very smooth.
Negative:The movie was kind'a small! if you had meked it i little longer and with a story
It will ROCK!
Very nice... :D Keep it going
Thanks, I'm making more "Quad" movies/games now,
so don't be afraid!
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06