You other reviewers don't seem to understand
So let me explain it to you: This guy (the animator, the guy who made the MOVIE) didn't make the sound clip or any of the voice acting or humor or story. Sure the audio clip is totally hilarious and top quality, but what the author actually made is nothing above average. You like the sound clip? Go to "The Whitest Kids U' Know"s website or something and give them good feedback, because this guy didn't make the humor clip! Get it now?
To improve:
-Better characters (more detailed and facial details)
-Smoother animation
-Better art and colors, nit stick hands and stuff like that in my opinion, but you could still improve the animation on the current characters.
-Better art and background. Yeah there is no background so that says it all.
The users of Newgrounds are giving the wrong man the honor, you're honoring this guy who just added some not-very-stunning animation to a very good sound clip. I'm so tired of overrated submission! It literally makes me sick! Please think before saying "LOLOLOLOL FUNNY 10/10!!!!!!!!!111"