rainbow effect.
rainbow effect.
Nice frogs.
The frogs.
They're nice.
HA (This summary is too short)
Great idea, great great voices and timing.
Love the details in there, "don't dance on the ghetto".
Anyways, why's there no preloader and why is te hanging scene not zoomed in. Looks like you've uploaded ... the ... YOUTUBE VERSION!!?!?? Seriously, Yotam.
I FIXED IT ))))))))))))):
thanks bud
A bit predictable, still not really predictable.
Well made, and I guess good idea.
The daddachu drawing/dad's description of the kid catching him was funny IMO. The rest didn't really catch my attention in a similar way. And the animation wasn't brilliant, but that's not really important here.
Good job, could be less slow and more... [SOMETHING]. Sorry, don't know what it could be more of.
Absolutely phenomenal.
Yeah so, love your style very much thank you!
thanks buddy!
Pure %u2668
Good timing
You good you! YOU GOOD! You... You you you, you reeeaal good.
Yotam surprised me, did you cut out his voice clips from the podcast?
A liiiiiitle slow
It's comfortable to watch, but it's a little slow to me. Could need more surprises or punchy plot turns or whatever you call it. I enjoyed it though, but no big laughs or mind s blown. :):) :) :) : ):) :): ):) :) :) :) :) : ): ) :) :) >:(
Stunning work!
Great font choice and font rendering!
Where is this from?
Wow I remember this from way back, love the arm of the pianist so much!!! EPICNESS!!! OH THE EPIC!
Where is this sound/music clip from?
I love animation, music, Jesus and my REAL-LIFE WIFE Adele :) AND my twin brother Tommy. Tommy and I are TWINTRASH <3 Oh, and I love Newgrounds. <3 <3 <3
Animation stuff! $$$
London, UK
Joined on 10/1/06